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The Ragged School Blog Deptford

Monday, January 30, 2006

Christopher Marlowe Memorial Service

This Saturday sees the annual Christopher Marlowe Memorial Service at St.Nicholas Church, 11am. Its a great chance for Marlowe fans and anyone interested in Deptfords history to gather in this extrordinary church, which has a small but awesome oak panel by Grinling Gibbons (showing his Vision of Ezekiel in the Valley of the Dry Bones).

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What's up blog ?

No matter how infrequent I post here, I never stop thinking about what a special and intriguing part of London Deptford is. So I've been going through literally several hundred pages which mention it to bring you at least 125 of the most relevant !!!

I've organized them so far courtesy of Del.icio.us, which if you don't already know is an interesting way to simply share bookmarks and find sites others have bookmarked. You can see what gems I've collected so far at del.icio.us/ which I think you will agree complements the wide spectrum of Deptford's heritage and cultural diversity.

My next step is to categorize them into common groups. But overall my aim is to help make a picture of what people perceive about Deptford through the web. I want to raise awareness of the impact a local community has on how it cultivates its presentation on the internet, to show that it can be proactively managed and used as force for everyone's benefit.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year, new outlook

As much as it pains me, I know the thing most people want to know right now, is what will happen to the site of the demolished Ragged School/Princess Louise Institute. After umming and ahhhing about whether to link to MacDonaldEgan or not I decided to get closure on the issue in order to move forward. We have to accept that the building is now gone, another priceless historic document of Deptfords history vapourized. So here is what will be built on the site complete with its new moniker.......

see this page about it

The lesson we need to learn about such disapearing history comes from the simple observation that areas of historic and cultural importance arent automatically safe. The community around an important building may not be aware of its significance. Without a proactive plan to intrepret local history and ensure appropriate measures to safeguard it, ecomomic forces will consume its irreplaceable resources.